After a brief get togheter in me and Martins apartment, we went on to the bar Current, where it was a valentines party~~
Allthough! They did give me cake, a veryveryvery pretty cake, I was so surprised ;o;
Usually when bars/schools/whatevs gives you cake it's kinda halfassed. THIS WASNT.

And, posing with the cake(Ylva's pimpin' it up):

All in all it was a wonderful night, all though I might have drunk a bit too much. But still fun! And nothing a painkiller wont take care of, haha~
Cake, magic(one of the bartenders entertained me with his tricks when I was sitting alone), good friends. What more could you ask for?
Thank you Sushi, Mogi, Masami, Mame of Current, Ylva, Sabrina, Malin, Martin, Jasmine, Max, Amanda, Arianne, and all others who made it so awesome!