07 November 2012

Paris in October

Woh, such a long time since the last update.
I haven't even been up to anything.

But, Paris (where I went a month ago), was amazing and everything I expected and more. But then again my expectations was probably not as high / romantic as usual..

I'm quite proud over us, we only took the metro once! And that was to get to the shuttle bus to the airport. We walked all over Paris, for hours and hours and hours on end, and saw so many strange little alleys and shops and people eating baguettes..

Here's some pictures with text!

I was happily surprised over all the amazing graffiti! This was on the ground.

Monseuir Penguin!

No filter or anything, in a nice park somewhere behind the Louvre I believe.

Suddenly along our stroll Notre Dame appeared!

More fun wall art.

Even more! Bad quality, but it was really amazing!

Okay, so I mainly took pictures of street art.

"OMG a place with my name!!"

"OMG what a strange name for a bar!"

Conclusion of the trip was that I neeeeeed to go back! Even the cheapest café au lait was amazing. And so were the people! Nice bunch, them french.

14 September 2012

Bye summer, I hate you anyway

This summer might just be the worst summer I have yet to have had. It's been painful, and like walking through syrup. But, now it's September, autumn. And hopefully it'll just go up from here. I'll just cross out the summer months from my memory forever, haha.

My only plan for this autumn is FUN. Having fun, doing fun things, feeling good.

First thing I did was to sign up for.... adult ballet classes!
Yeah!! I've gone to two lessons so far, and it's so so so fun and so so so rewarding. Going from a couchpotato to a ballet class, doing them pliés and twirls and whatnot really does a number on you. My muscles are sore for a week, and when they've just stopped hurting, BOOM, another class. But it's awesome.

I truly truly recommend anyone who reads this and have thought that maybe maybe ballet would be fun, DO IT. You're not too old, you're not too weak/fat/whatever! It's so rewarding!

In other awesome news, my friend exclaimed yesterday that it was time to go to Paris, and I couldn't agree more. So we're going on October 1st, for a few days of heavy smoking and coffee drinking. We won't be caring about the tourist things, so if you have any tips of some nice café with some good coffee, please advice! And my friend wants to eat a lot of food, so if you have any good restaurant tips, please share those too!

The summer might have been shitty but I'm not going to let autumn turn out the same way!

18 August 2012

Forest day

 Today, me and my roomies took our bikes and biked for a total of 10km's, out to the forest! This is from when we we're waiting for their friends, standing in the middle of nowhere(but they had bike paths!).
 So.. much... moss..And under the moss, puddles, and more puddles. My socks were dripping when we got home.
 Too busy taking pictures, so I kept falling behind.
And the reason for it, chanterelles! We swede's be crazy, biking for 10kms, trekking in the forest, getting our shoes wet and battling mosquitos. But we got 10litres all together!

17 August 2012

These boots were made for walkin'

(Haven't I made another entry with the exact same title? Go go imagination!)

Autumn is finally coming! All summer I've been waiting, patiently, biding my time. But now it's just around the corner! No more wasps, no more strong sun, no more hellish temperatures! I guess I'm quite transparent with my feelings about summer. The only nice thing is the midnight sun!

But, with autumn comes colder weather, and thus, boots!

I picked these two up today!

I've been eyeing the brown chelsea boots for some time, and they had a members only sale (just 50SEK, but anyway), so I thought it was time to strike!
I was originally planning to buy a pair of wellington boots, but unfortunatly my size had sold out in the style I wanted (pink with roses!), so I went for these black suede boots instead. Needed another pair of "easy everyday shoes", that I could bike in.. Uh, biking in heels..

All that's left now is for autumn to come! Some yellow leaves have already fallen! 

09 August 2012

Beige wednesday

Yesterday I went out to grab a coffee with a friend! I'm feeling rather isolated while my flatmates/people I rent a room from/uh are away, the lucky bastards are in Japan on vacation! Ah, the flame of jealousy! But luckily enough I get to grab coffee with friends, and another friend spent the weekend here! I finally got a chance to see the Botanical Garden here in Uppsala, which I believe was started by none other than Carl Von Linné(You know, the guy that pretty much named every flower in the world.). It was quite nice, and they had a very overpriced coffeeshop. I forgot my camera that day, though.

Anyway! What I was really talking about, yesterday. Here's what I wore!
And look, I even attempted something with my hair! Spent a day watching youtube tutorials for frenchbraids until I finally found one that wasn't super speeded and going "This hair over that hair over thiis hair over that hair over there!" but instead kinda slow and pedagogic. Nice.

Oh well!

 Pulled a bitchface here, but thankfully there's paintbrushes for that! 

Oh! And my face! In another resolution than instagrams. Don't mean to look grumpy, the corners of my mouth are chronically pointed downwards, even when I smile. :( this smily shows what I look like when I'm happy.

I'm quite happy to have succeeded in doing something with my hair tho. I have supercrazy fine and soft hair, so, yeah. *whine*

In retrospect, I see that I went a bit wild on the blurring.. Hmm.

I hope your weather is as cold as mine! Autumn is just around the corner!

30 July 2012

Everybody get's a second in the sun

The Kent concert this Saturday was awesome! I haven't seen them since 2008 when I saw them with my mother! The great thing about Kent is that there aren't a specific group of people listening to them, it becomes really apparent how big and widely loved they are when you are standing in queue for their concert. There's old grandmas, little kids, suits, indie kids, people wearing nothing but leather and spikes, girls with Chanel bags, in other words, a really diverse group of people, all loving the same band.
They have been said to be the band that captures the mind of a Swede, so I guess that's why.

Anyway! I got a surprise when I came to the entrance, the free ticket I had proved to be a VIP ticket! I didn't use "my priviledges" though, since as I understod it was just free champagne and standing in the VIP section, which was at the far back on a hill. But it still felt pretty sweet having the pass.

It'll be hanging looking smug in my room from now on.

And I finally went ahead and bought myself a t-shirt! I generally don't like band shirts because they are always made in that heavy cheap cotton with really tiny neckholes(and it's men sizes, but I have a hard time seeing a man get his head through that hole), but they were offering soft cotton shirts! Still men sizes though, so of course it turned out to be huge.

During the last song suddenly a combination of pyrotechnics, confetti and fireworks started!
The fireworks lasted long after the band had left the stage, and all in all it was all just so beautiful.

28 July 2012

Kent concert!

Kent ("Swedens biggest rockband") is playing in Uppsala, and thanks to a sudden turn of events I can go! The tickets were really expensive so I didn't even bother, and planned to just sit outside and listen, since the concert is taking place outside Uppsala Castle.
But! Yesterday my faux Grandpa called, and told me he had put me on the list for Uppsala Castle employee + family! So I get to go, for free! But then again, I did work there for two weeks(as Warden of the Castle) when I was 14, so I guess it's all as it should be.

Anyway! Super excited!
(Never heard of Kent? Listen here, here and here(English))

 Outfit and "facelook"(is that a real expression? Swedish bloggers use it all the time but I think it sounds a bit off.). I'm back to wearing falsies again! And I have no idea why I chose to wear my rattiest tackiest harley davidson t-shirt with holes all over it from being old, but oh well! 

And on an unrelated note, here's my new sunnies! Found them in Gothenburg in some kind of 100yen-ish danish shop!

25 July 2012

Gothenburgh O'Hoy

So, last Wednesday I hopped on the train with my friend Gabi to go to Gothenburg, for a chance to spend some time with our friend Zara before she goes off to Korea!
It was my first time in Gothenburg, and man oh man, the city! I really really enjoyed it there, and it was in overall just so.. pleasing to the eye. I'm an architecture geek, so all the beautiful houses just pulled my heart strings.

We went to an island a bit outside of Gothenburg, Marstrand, visited Liseberg(a theme park) and Universeum(zoo/museum/thingy) and walked and walked and walked around the city.

14 July 2012

Wedding bells

So, yesterday was the second reason why I visited mom, some friends to the family got married! I don't do well in these kind of social situations, but it was rather nice, and I borrowed my cousins DSLR to take some photos for the bride and groom, thus taking on the roll as "photographer" rather than guest, and got to be left quite alone(because people hate cameras haha).
But I don't mean to sound negative, I was really happy to be invited, and we got delicious food and it was really wonderful seeing them beam together.

What I wore for the occassion! Quite blurry but I was in kind of a hurry.
/Rhyme master

 Wedding cake! Woop woop, there were five of them, ranging from big to small. 
They looked better than they tasted, haha.

Out of respect I don't wanna publish any face pictures, but man, look at the brides hair
Fo reals! I don't care much for strange bridal updos(they tend to look rather tight), so thiis, thiis, so much thiis. I'm so jealous of her hair it's unbelievable! It's all her own hair, too! 
Disregard my excellent editing skillz.
One of the most beautiful bouquets I've seen to date!
The groom kept joking about how he had to insert the diamonds in the leeks when he planted them four years ago, and patiently wait for them to bloom. All without his wifes knowledge! Haha

11 July 2012

Recent outfits

Been quiet over here, but then again, I haven't really been doing anything but resting.
Up north right now though, because of a family reunion last saturday, and a wedding the day after tomorrow!
Family reunion was kinda meh, mainly because I don't know anyone of my relatives, except the closest ones(grandma, uncle, cousin).. I did get to meet my second cousin though, who I hadn't seen since we were 8.

Anyway! I haven't been doing much, but I do have some outfits to post!

My new buffalos! I found the on a swedish auction site and I can't believe nobody else bid on them! I got them for a whopping 100sek + shipping, which is AWESOME considering that plain black ones usually end up around 500sek! Woop woop! 

I was just going to the grocery store but thought "Hey, I haven't been outside for days, let's get dressed properly".

 Aaaand here I was actually going outout.
We went to some bar/thing that had a karaoke stage. I didn't sing myself, but it was fun watching other people do it, haha

27 June 2012

Dying trends on sale

Summersale have started around the world, and the first to go was the pastels!
Spring is always the season to aquire pastel clothing, but this year it was booming so hard, you saw it everywhere! But as all trends, it's dying and in fashion that means it goes on clearance, haha. So I snatched some things up!

I've been gawking the varsity jacket and skirt for so long, and now they finally got on 50% clearance!
Cute tops, something I really lack. I like that they're sleeveless! I always wear a cardigan, and tops without sleeves means I won't boil during the summer!
Not a sales find, but look at the colors of the stones! It's a barrette, and I guess it's part of my "spice up the hair"-project.
Varsity Jacket and skirt: Gina Tricot - Flower Top: Cubus - Mint top: Lindex - Barrette: H&M

24 June 2012

Recent snaps

Uh, long time no update! I got a cluster of different personal problems, ranging from disappointments to medical emergencies(nothing too serious), so I've been on bed rest / just not really up to anything lately. I'm still feeling rather shitty, and I just caught a cold to top it off, haha. Why do bad things always come in clusters?

In the meantime here are some snaps from the last two weeks. I hope I'll be back on the horse soon.

My mother came down to care for me, and I got this bag as a get well present! And for Midsummer I tried to gussy up.
For entertainment I've read lula and crocheted roses.
Snap from my desk, and my best friend Gerard! //dork

10 June 2012

Galaxy nails and outfit

My computer started working again! Woo! I'm running it without the battery though, but nevermind, it works! And I even accidentally stepped on it just a couple of minutes ago, and it works! What? What kind of sorcery is this?

I have lots of things to post, mainly buys(all shops are walking distance!), but some other things too!
I'm kind of in a crunch right now though, I desperatly need to get to the shops before they close! I had forgotten how cold swedish summer is, so I need to go see if they have any cardigans from winter that they're trying to get rid of for super cheap haha~

But anyway, here's what I wore the other day when I went out for some retail therapy with my friend. I tried to make that nekomimi hair that's been showing up everywhere recently. And, I cut bangs! I had a really tough day, and well, somehow I always end up cutting bangs.
Dress: H&M Cardigan: Cubus
And I've slowly gotten back into doing nail things. I tried out galaxy nails , which was surprisingly easy! It's my first try though, so of course they aren't "Omg it's like GALAXIES. ON YO NAILS!!", but with some practise, maybe?

Oh, and as you may or may not have noticed, I added a little instagram widget to the right! If you feel like following it, please do :D I abuse it a little too much though, but there's lots of kitty pictures and trinkets.

07 June 2012

Things of lately

Been quiet! But then again, I moved, and I have to get to know the people I live with now, right? Nah, just kidding, the guy helped me get sims3 working on my computer and I've really unsocial haha.

Right now my computer is in a pan filled with rice, cats woke me up this morning by tipping my glass over.. Eh, yeah, let's hope it'll turn on later. It was mainly the battery that got water on it, so..

Anyway, last weekend we went to karaoke + a stand up comedy festival! Surprisingly fun! Here's a few phone pictures!
(updating from my phone, but if my laptop works I'll be back shortly with pictures of recent buys and stuff)