So Zara has finally come!
Managed to miss my stop on the way to Narita because my favorite yoghurt of all time (only available in Sweden) showed up on the tv-screens in a commercial and I .. yeah, blacked out kinda. Thankfully her flight was delayed, unfortunatly it was by an hour, and with the time customs take, I waited for quite a while!
But now she's here, and we decided to go easy on the first day and just stroll around Ikebukuro a while~
Our plan was to eat Shabu Shabu, but it didn't open till five, and when we got there 2 minutes to five, there was like.. 75 peope queuing.. Ehh.
So we thought, curry! And went to the fancy curry restaurant. It didn't open until six.
Ended up on an Izakaya, cheap and easy way to show Zara some japanese dishes!
29 December 2010
28 December 2010
Christmas pictures
Today I'm spending the day cleaning and making the apartment look nifty, for tomorrow my friend Zara comes to visit me from Sweden! Yay!
Also I'm sulking because I can't go out bargainhunting :(
Haven't posted any pics from christmas, so here they come!
This is actually from before christmas, more exactly, the last day of school! We were making decorations for the school's christmas party, and I tried my hand on origami, and might I say I quite mastered it! (I was like the only one who managed to make rather normal looking santas, haha)
This is actually rather horrible! I was trying to climb up and look for the christmas ornaments, and when I was about to fall down.. did my friends help me? NO! They took pictures, wtf? This generation is so destroyed XD
(Note: They did actually help me down after this photo)
"Yo yo dawg, I herd u liked christmas, so.. " I never did find the christmas ornaments, that's why there's just random glitter on the tree.
Wooo, Swedish christmasfood!
Potatoes, Meatballs, little wiener sausages, red onion,
mustard, smoked salmon and in the foreground is the fabulous christmas ham!
Also I'm sulking because I can't go out bargainhunting :(
Haven't posted any pics from christmas, so here they come!
(Note: They did actually help me down after this photo)
Potatoes, Meatballs, little wiener sausages, red onion,
mustard, smoked salmon and in the foreground is the fabulous christmas ham!
And that was christmas!
And if I haven't mentioned it, my gifts was:
Brown Liz Lisa muffler with golden pin to pin it togheter
The union jack sweater from JSG
Sweet lil' robot necklace
and surprise gift from my friends boyfriend, a mug set with Mickey and Minnie for me and my roomie!
No pictures though, cause I'm lazy and haven't taken any! ( you can see the robot necklace on pupe, and the JSG sweater in a previous post)
And if I haven't mentioned it, my gifts was:
Brown Liz Lisa muffler with golden pin to pin it togheter
The union jack sweater from JSG
Sweet lil' robot necklace
and surprise gift from my friends boyfriend, a mug set with Mickey and Minnie for me and my roomie!
No pictures though, cause I'm lazy and haven't taken any! ( you can see the robot necklace on pupe, and the JSG sweater in a previous post)
good times,
26 December 2010
Cutest furry little drink EVARR
Japan is a complete overload of cute things, as you all know, but today I struck gold!
Honey Apple juice, with the cutest tetra I've seen so far!

Picture quality have improved thanks to my Father, who gave me money to buy a new camera for christmas! (Canon IXY 200F)
Honey Apple juice, with the cutest tetra I've seen so far!

Picture quality have improved thanks to my Father, who gave me money to buy a new camera for christmas! (Canon IXY 200F)
the more you know☆
25 December 2010
Christmas in DA HOUSE
So, yesterday was (swedish) Christmas!
All in all a wonderful day, and me and Malin managed to make the christmas ham all by ourselves!
This year it was just me Malin and Martin, but later Malins boyfriend came along and got a taste of swedish christmas food, glögg and gingerbread cookies~
Unfortunatly my Roomie Martin is leaving for Sweden over the Holidays tomorrow, but on Tuesday my ol' friend Zara comes to stay with me! Stay tuned for tourist-y madness!
Look what I got!
My lovely friend Malin gave me the JSG sweater I've desired oh so desperatly for a couple of months!
Less visible is the amazing robot necklace Martin gave me, it can move its head, legs arms and torso!

do want,
good times,
16 December 2010
A sneaky peak

I will write tons about this, just not now.
Please wait a month, and you'll get to know more than you wanted to!
good times,
12 December 2010
A night in pictures
I went out, drank, went home(I was so not healthy enough to go out D: )
Was a good night though, I made peace with an old friend and learned the proper way to greet Manowar fans!
Ylva has an awesome camera so here's pictures.
Konbini Preparty.
The Pokemon champagne I'm holding was unfortunatly for kids.
Stupid faces was made. (Yeah I know everyone hates that face.)
I HAVE A FRINGE!! omgzz!
And alas, derp and blur was made.
Was a good night though, I made peace with an old friend and learned the proper way to greet Manowar fans!
Ylva has an awesome camera so here's pictures.
The Pokemon champagne I'm holding was unfortunatly for kids.
I HAVE A FRINGE!! omgzz!
Payed greatly for that I did, my eyes got soo irritated by my circle lenses.
Tip from the coach: Don't have a cold and wear circlelenses. (The shape of the eye changes during a cold, and due to circle lenses size/hardness they irritate the eye even more than usual lenses.) I usually wear my circles for approx 17-19 hours/a day without problem (.. I have long days.), and last night I wore them for approx 8 hours and BOOM, my eyes are a pretty scarlet color.
Tip from the coach: Don't have a cold and wear circlelenses. (The shape of the eye changes during a cold, and due to circle lenses size/hardness they irritate the eye even more than usual lenses.) I usually wear my circles for approx 17-19 hours/a day without problem (.. I have long days.), and last night I wore them for approx 8 hours and BOOM, my eyes are a pretty scarlet color.
good times,
11 December 2010
First of all, I must say that I find it quite amusing that during the time I haven't really updated, I've gained a bunch of followers! The internet works in mysterious ways. (But I'm not complaining!)
Anyway, christmas is getting closer! Gonna try to put up the christmas tree this weekend.
Even though we live in a supersmall apartment, we did get ourselves a huge christmas tree last year. And it twinkles! (Fiber..optics.. lights.. I think) I'll post pictures as soon as the apartment is all christmas-y.
Aaand. What I wish for?
Still sick, but getting better! My friend Malin gave me some crazy chinese medicine she got from some nepalese friend who got it from some chinese people. It's crazy. I couldn't swallow, then I took one of those, and then I could literally not feel my throat. At all.
I wonder whats in them?
Anyway, christmas is getting closer! Gonna try to put up the christmas tree this weekend.
Even though we live in a supersmall apartment, we did get ourselves a huge christmas tree last year. And it twinkles! (Fiber..optics.. lights.. I think) I'll post pictures as soon as the apartment is all christmas-y.
Aaand. What I wish for?

Jeffrey Campbells Lita shoes. How mainstream am I? Haha. But I really really really want them, along with 45% of the rest of the worlds female population.
A new camera, preferably an IXY. I've wanted one since a friend bought one last spring, and now another friend just got hers, and I found out they've cut the price with like 20 000yen!
A Polaroid Camera. I've always wanted one, and they are available here in Japan for next to nothing (5000yen, cheap for a polaroid I think?), and I haven't bought one! Whaat. I believe I'll buy myself this though. It'd be sweet to have polaroids to remember things with.
A new camera, preferably an IXY. I've wanted one since a friend bought one last spring, and now another friend just got hers, and I found out they've cut the price with like 20 000yen!
A Polaroid Camera. I've always wanted one, and they are available here in Japan for next to nothing (5000yen, cheap for a polaroid I think?), and I haven't bought one! Whaat. I believe I'll buy myself this though. It'd be sweet to have polaroids to remember things with.
Still sick, but getting better! My friend Malin gave me some crazy chinese medicine she got from some nepalese friend who got it from some chinese people. It's crazy. I couldn't swallow, then I took one of those, and then I could literally not feel my throat. At all.
I wonder whats in them?
07 December 2010
Still sick, still bored
So.. Two weeks. What kind of cold is this?? It's crazy! And since lenses are a no-no, my skin gets dried up(no makeup) and fever makes me unable to do anything else than drag my sorry ass to school and back.. There have not really been anything going on.
So.. nothing much to tell.
(Unless you guys wish me to write reviews over masks, teas and updates on my daily knitting..)
Just wanted to make an update, it felt a bit sad reading "1 week since last update", haha.
So.. nothing much to tell.
(Unless you guys wish me to write reviews over masks, teas and updates on my daily knitting..)
Just wanted to make an update, it felt a bit sad reading "1 week since last update", haha.
sucks to be me
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