Sorry I've been slow lately.
Lotsa tests going on before autumnbreak, and I've spent all my time thinking about studying, but playing The Sims.
On Friday my school will go to Ueno Zoo, and that marks the last day of this term! (We have 3month terms)
Anyway, been shopping lately and I'm gonna post it all up, but till then here's an outfit picture featuring two new buys!

Enormous tail, SunshineCity Alta
Found the t-shirt in Vence's eventstore "Vence Limited" in SunshineCity for just 500yen! That's nice! I love how it's made in a way that you can either pull it down and have a minidress or use it as a T-shirt, and it looks great both ways!
The tail is the love of my life right now, it's so soft and cuddly(substitutes for a pet right now), and is my most expensive buy recently, for 2500yen!
Anyway, todelo!
The tail is the love of my life right now, it's so soft and cuddly(substitutes for a pet right now), and is my most expensive buy recently, for 2500yen!
Anyway, todelo!
Ah that tail, I love it *O*