Since it was Kyokutou Girl Friends event, the rest of the time was waiting. 6 hours of waiting to be exact. I had great hopes for both Doctor Marmot and Video Glamour but none of them were as I expected, so I was kinda disappointed.
When finally Kyokutou came up on stage all I could think was "I'll be going home soon!!", but disregarding that it was fun seeing them again, seeing how it was a bit over 2 years since I last saw them.
Oh how we hassled the staff woman, seeing how Martin wanted to buy fifty-eleven copies of everything they sold, haha.
After the concert, when I thought I was going home, we instead ended up going to an acquaintances Sayonara party, she's going back to Korea. It was fun and cozy as it always is(they usually have homeparties in her guesthouse). Me and my roomie decided to walk home instead of taking the train, and somehow the less than an hour long walk ended after 7 hours, walking all around the northwest part of Tokyo.
So that was a lengthy post about nothing in particular!
My everyday life right now is a rollercoaster of one moment having so much doubts about myself(I barely graduated junior high, and now I'm trying to get a job?), to being super confident(nothing matters but willpower! I can do it!).
My everyday life right now is a rollercoaster of one moment having so much doubts about myself(I barely graduated junior high, and now I'm trying to get a job?), to being super confident(nothing matters but willpower! I can do it!).
You can do it! I'm rooting for you <3