18 August 2012

Forest day

 Today, me and my roomies took our bikes and biked for a total of 10km's, out to the forest! This is from when we we're waiting for their friends, standing in the middle of nowhere(but they had bike paths!).
 So.. much... moss..And under the moss, puddles, and more puddles. My socks were dripping when we got home.
 Too busy taking pictures, so I kept falling behind.
And the reason for it, chanterelles! We swede's be crazy, biking for 10kms, trekking in the forest, getting our shoes wet and battling mosquitos. But we got 10litres all together!

17 August 2012

These boots were made for walkin'

(Haven't I made another entry with the exact same title? Go go imagination!)

Autumn is finally coming! All summer I've been waiting, patiently, biding my time. But now it's just around the corner! No more wasps, no more strong sun, no more hellish temperatures! I guess I'm quite transparent with my feelings about summer. The only nice thing is the midnight sun!

But, with autumn comes colder weather, and thus, boots!

I picked these two up today!

I've been eyeing the brown chelsea boots for some time, and they had a members only sale (just 50SEK, but anyway), so I thought it was time to strike!
I was originally planning to buy a pair of wellington boots, but unfortunatly my size had sold out in the style I wanted (pink with roses!), so I went for these black suede boots instead. Needed another pair of "easy everyday shoes", that I could bike in.. Uh, biking in heels..

All that's left now is for autumn to come! Some yellow leaves have already fallen! 

09 August 2012

Beige wednesday

Yesterday I went out to grab a coffee with a friend! I'm feeling rather isolated while my flatmates/people I rent a room from/uh are away, the lucky bastards are in Japan on vacation! Ah, the flame of jealousy! But luckily enough I get to grab coffee with friends, and another friend spent the weekend here! I finally got a chance to see the Botanical Garden here in Uppsala, which I believe was started by none other than Carl Von Linné(You know, the guy that pretty much named every flower in the world.). It was quite nice, and they had a very overpriced coffeeshop. I forgot my camera that day, though.

Anyway! What I was really talking about, yesterday. Here's what I wore!
And look, I even attempted something with my hair! Spent a day watching youtube tutorials for frenchbraids until I finally found one that wasn't super speeded and going "This hair over that hair over thiis hair over that hair over there!" but instead kinda slow and pedagogic. Nice.

Oh well!

 Pulled a bitchface here, but thankfully there's paintbrushes for that! 

Oh! And my face! In another resolution than instagrams. Don't mean to look grumpy, the corners of my mouth are chronically pointed downwards, even when I smile. :( this smily shows what I look like when I'm happy.

I'm quite happy to have succeeded in doing something with my hair tho. I have supercrazy fine and soft hair, so, yeah. *whine*

In retrospect, I see that I went a bit wild on the blurring.. Hmm.

I hope your weather is as cold as mine! Autumn is just around the corner!