30 March 2010

Oh pictures!

Went a quickie to shibuya today, bought a new pair of shoes! (again? So soon? Almost back in my old habits..) They were too comfortable and pretty to turn down. And way too cheap!
Showing them tomorrow!

But, onto pictures of todays outfit!
(Please ignore weird face, pose and flash.)
Did wear jacket and stuff, but not pictured.
Cardigan: Gina Tricot
Dress: MonoSick
Bag and bagcharm: Liz Lisa
Bling: Vivienne Westwood

And the face!

What the pictures doesn't show is how PURPLE my hair is right now.
So, let that be a lesson. Don't have scandinavian platinum-bleached hair, and try to go to a more natural blonde with asian haircolors.. At home. Huhu.


  1. WHOAT!? Vivienne Westwood?? No shit girl! Damn what a surprise!
    Hur fick du tag på det? Var det rea eller nått?

    And I'm sure the purple hair rocks! ;D

  2. Men Zara, jag fick ju det i födelsedagspresent av Martin :o Postade till och med om det här i bloggen! XDDD

  3. Oj då.....xD

    Men du värsta awesome av han! O__O

    Oh and yo om du vill får du ta en titt efter lite Jermey Scott kläder om du har lite tid över och är ute på gatorna i Tokyo xD
    Det ska finnas ganska mycket där tror jag XD
