04 April 2011

Outfit and such

My mind's a blank after this weekend that ended at 4AM this monday morning. Not going to school or working have made me into a vegetable.
Gonna photo some new stuff tomorrow, got a carepackage from my mother. (Chocolates and stuff to make me look good, haha)

(blurry picture ahooy)
Going out on Saturday I wore this. I have no idea why I choose leggings, but I've been freezing like crazy lately so I'll blame that I guess. Would've been better with OTKs.
Oh btw I'm totally digging the preppy style nowadays, I'm basically living in that blazer! Form-fitted jackets are awesome for my figure. I got rather obvious hourglass shape along with broad shoulders, so it compliments me.

I love the bowtie. Got it at a 100yen store!
Oh, yeah, and I've completly reverted to bathroommirror pictures. Think it's some kind of age crisis again.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute outfit! Great deal on the bowtie, its so cute and trendy!!
